Monday, December 24, 2018

שיטה לניטור מידע משמעותי מתוך מערכת הניטורים הקיימת בסביבת השו"ב

שיטה לניטור מידע משמעותי מתוך מערכת הניטורים הקיימת בסביבת השו"ב
נפתלי שפריי,
נייד: 054-8310965

קיים צורך אמיתי לנטר "מידע משמעותי" לגבי כל סוגי המשאבים המנוטרים בתשתיות.
"מידע משמעותי" מתייחס לשאלה הבסיסית -  
"תוך כמה זמן המשאב המנוטר ימוצה בהתייחס לקצב השינוי בשימוש בו".
מידע מסוג זה קל יותר לקשור ל- SLA והוא מביא ערך אמיתי מתוך תשתית הניטור הקיימת.

כיום משתמשים בערכי-סף (Threshold) כדי למתג אירועים, אבל ערכי הסף קשורים בד"כ לערכים גולמיים והם לכשעצמם לא נותנים מענה לצורך.
במסמך זה אתאר שיטה גנרית שתיושם ברמת RULE ב- OMNIBUS (ניתן להשתמש בכל שיטה אחרת)
ותיושם לכל סוג של משאב מנוטר שדוגמים ממנו ערכים גולמיים.
ה- RULE הנ"ל יעבוד במקביל לשאר ה- RULE ים ולא תהיה שום התנגשות ביניהם.

אנו נדגום את קצב השינוי לאורך מספר נקודות מדידה (כדי לקבל מגמה אמיתית) ועל-בסיס הקצב
הנדגם נוכל לענות על השאלה המודגשת.

עבור רוב המשאבים המנוטרים קיימים הנתונים הבאים:
·        Value             – ערך נדגם.
·        Max               – ערך מקסימאלי מותר למשאב.
·        Min               – ערך מינימאלי מותר למשאב.
·        t                   – זמן מחזור מדידה (כל כמה זמן מודדים את המשאב).

אנו נוסיף משתנים נוספים:
·        N                  – מספר יחידות זמן שבהם יחושב קצב השינוי.
·        R                  – קצב שינוי של הערך הנדגם לזמן של - N*t (N מחזורי מדידה).
·        Rav               – ממוצע רץ של קצב השינוי.
·        TtoMax          – זמן מוערך להגעת המשאב למצב MAX.
·        TtoMin           – זמן מוערך להגעת המשאב למצב MIN.
·        TtoMaxThreshold       – ערך סף למיתוג אירוע עבור TtoMax.
·        TtoMinThreshold        – ערך סף למיתוג אירוע עבור TtoMin.
·        Array [N]        - מבנה נתונים (מערך או STACK) שיכיל בכל רגע את N הדגימות האחרונות.

האירועים ("המידע המשמעותי") שימותגו יהיה מהסוג הבא:
1.      TimetoMaxThresholdReached – "עברנו ערך סף של זמן הגעת משאב מנוטר ל- Max.
2.     TimetoMinThresholdReached – "עברנו ערך סף של זמן הגעת משאב מנוטר ל- Min.

(בלי הגבלת כלליות אני בוחר ב-  N=5 , ז"א מספר יחידות הזמן בהם יחושב קצב השינוי. ניתן לבחור בכל ערך אחר).

-- ה- RULE הבא יופעל כל פעם שיגיע ערך נדגם חדש לתוך Value --

הגדרות משתנים מקומיים ב- RULE
I = 0;  /*משתנה זמני שימדוד את מספר המדידות שבוצעו  */
N = 5; /* ניתן לבחור כל ערך אחר */
R = Rav = 0;
TtoMax = TtoMin = 0;
Array [0..N-1] = 0;

If (Value >= Max) {
Trigger Event (TimetoMaxThresholdReached);
Else If (Value <= Min) {
Trigger Event (TimetoMinThresholdReached);

/*הראשונים יש למלא את מערך הערכים הנדגמים כל עוד לא קיבלנו את הנתונים הנדגמים */
If  (I < N) {   
Array [I++] = Value; 

/* יש לדאוג שהמערך יכיל את הערכים הנדגמים האחרונים בכל פעם */
Array[0..N-2] = Array[1..N-1]; /* save last N-1 values in Array[0..N-2] */
Array[N-1] = Value; /* save last Value in Array[N-1] */

R = (Array [N] – Array [1](  / N;
Rav = (Rav == 0) ? R : (Rav + R) / 2;

If (Rav > 0 and Value < Max) {
TtoMax = ((Max – Value) / Rav) * t;
If  (TtoMax <= TtoMaxThreshold) {
          Trigger Event (TimetoMaxThresholdReached);
Else If (Rav < 0 and Value > Min) {
          TtoMin = ((Value - Min) / Rav) * t;  
If  (TtoMin <= TtoMinThreshold) {
          Trigger Event (TimetoMinThresholdReached);

הערות לגבי המימוש בפועל:
1.     האלגוריתם כתוב בפסידוקוד - ניתן לממש אותו בשפה המתאימה ל- OMNIBUS.
2.     ה- "משתנים הנוספים" ימומשו ע"י הוספת שדות נוספים ל- "CLASS אירוע בסיסי" (Base Class)  ב- OMNIBUS ,כך שכל CLASS אירוע של ניטור משאב (היורש את ה- Base Class) יירש אותם.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rebuild procedure for corrupt WINDOWS performance counters

Its have already been discussed a lot, and correction methods have been placed.

A good place to start is in “

In Windows Server 2003 and 2008 Microsoft even provides some sort of a rebuild solution (in the article), but it relies on the existence of all the performance counters ini files in the %Systemroot%\System32 directory, which doesn’t include many third party performance counters ini files. 

To rebuild all Performance counters including extensible and third-party counters in

Windows Server 2003, type the following commands at a command prompt. Press ENTER after each command.

lodctr /R

Nevertheless to my recollection ,there wasn’t one thorough solution presented that took into account the following:

1. The interrelations of WMI and the Performance counter mechanism.

(best described in “”)

2. How to find the most current .ini files that relate to the most current performance counters installed in the system including third-party.

3. A complete solution that automates the all process.

4. We should make sure that the dat files to rebuild the base performance counter libraries are from the proper installation disk of the worked-on operating system - Perfc009.dat file and the Perfh009.dat file. These files are located on the Windows Installation Disc. The compressed files are found at DriveLetter:\i386\perfc009.da_ and at DriveLetter:\i386\perfh009.da_. As part of our restoration procedure, we shall replace the files that are in the %Systemroot%\System32 folder.

5. all the vbe scripts are encoded scripts that
are produced with the screnc executable (a Microsoft utility).

screnc example.vbs example.vbe



My solution guidelines -

1. WMI uses the performance counters info in its own classes that fills-up its repository (raw and processed).

WMI manages its performance counter information, loading the performance library using ADAP ( AutoDiscovery/AutoPurge ).

We shall use the following procedures before and after the Performance counters restoration process to follow -

Before restoration - 
winmgmt /clearadap

This command clears all WMI-related values from the service's performance registry key.

After restoration -

winmgmt /resyncperf "winmgmt service pid"

(for higher versions from Windows 2000 use just:
winmgmt /resyncperf ).

This command registers the computer's performance libraries with the WMI.


2. To find the most current Performance counters .ini files – we do the obvious – just search all over the relevant logical drives (we exclude those whom we know for sure that doesn’t include such ini files).

For each ini file found we choose the most current one (its creation date is more current).

3. The solution is embodied in a batch file like the following

ResetPerfCounters.bat -

   1: winmgmt /clearadap

   2: expand perfc009.da_ %SystemRoot%\system32\PERFC009.DAT

   3: expand perfh009.da_ %SystemRoot%\system32\PERFH009.DAT

   4: REM Clean Registry Performance-Counter Settings (Base + Extended Performance Counters Settings) ...

   5: cscript //NoLogo //H:CScript ResetPerf.vbe        

   6: REM Finished Cleaning Registry Performance-Counter Settings.

   7: REM %SystemDrive%

   8: REM CD %SystemRoot%\system32

   9: DEL /F /Q c:\inifiles.txt


  11: REM re-add the extensible counters from the list of services

  12: REM fetch the list of ini files of services using performance counters ...

  13: REM FINDSTR /I /M drivername= *.ini  > c:\inifiles.txt


  15: cscript //NoLogo //H:CScript FindDriverIniFiles.vbe c:\inifiles.txt

  16: cscript //NoLogo //H:CScript DoLoadCtr.vbe c:\inifiles.txt

  17: REM Winmgmt /resyncperf

  18: cscript //Nologo //H:CScript ResyncPerf.vbe

  19: ECHO --- Done !







ResetPerf.vbe  - cleans all the registry entries of the performance counters

ResetPerf.vbs listed -

   1: Option Explicit

   2: On Error Resume Next


   4: Dim WshShell

   5: Dim refRegistry

   6: Dim strValueData

   7: Dim strSKPath

   8: Dim strValueName

   9: Dim strMessage  'container for the combined message

  10: Dim strWQL  ' This string represent the WMI query.

  11: Dim strResult 

  12: Dim arrSubKeys(2)

  13: Dim strSubKey1

  14: Dim strSubKey2

  15: Dim strKeyBase

  16: Dim strKeyPath


  18: Const REG_SZ = 1

  19: Const REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2

  20: Const REG_BINARY = 3

  21: Const REG_DWORD = 4

  22: Const REG_MULTI_SZ = 7


  24: Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000

  25: Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001

  26: Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

  27: Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003

  28: Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005

  29: Const HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006





  34: Const StrHKEY_USERS             = "HKEY_USERS"


  36: Const StrHKEY_DYN_DATA             = "HKEY_DYN_DATA"


  38: Const strBasePerfPath            = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib"      '"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib"

  39: Const strExtPerfPath            = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services"                        '"System\CurrentControlSet\Services"


  41: Function DelValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName)

  42:     Dim lRC 


  44:     DelValue = True

  45:     lRC = refRegistry.DeleteValue(KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName)


  47:     If (lRC <> 0) Or (Err.Number <> 0) Then

  48:         DelValue = False

  49:         Exit Function

  50:     End If

  51: End Function


  53: Function GetStringValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName, strValueData) 

  54:     If refRegistry.GetStringValue(KeyBase,_

  55:                                   KeyPath, _

  56:                                   strValueName, _

  57:                                   strValueData) = 0 Then    

  58:         GetStringValue = strValueData                                  

  59:     Else

  60:         GetStringValue = "GetError"

  61:     End If

  62: End Function


  64: Function SetStringValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName, strValueData) 

  65:     If refRegistry.SetStringValue(KeyBase,_

  66:                                   KeyPath, _

  67:                                   strValueName, _

  68:                                   strValueData) = 0 Then    

  69:         SetStringValue = strValueData

  70:     Else

  71:         GetStringValue = "SetError"

  72:     End If

  73: End Function


  75: Function SetDWORDValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName, ValueData) 

  76:     Dim lRC 


  78:     SetDWORDValue = True

  79:     lRC = refRegistry.SetDWORDValue(KeyBase, KeyPath, strValueName, ValueData)


  81:     If (lRC <> 0) Or (Err.Number <> 0) Then

  82:         SetDWORDValue = False

  83:         Exit Function

  84:     End If

  85: End Function


  87: 'display output

  88: 'WshShell.Popup strIndent & KeyPath, 1, "KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr , 0



  91: Function DoBasePerformanceReset(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, KeyBaseStr)

  92: On Error Resume Next


  94:     DoBasePerformanceReset = True


  96:     'display output

  97:     WshShell.Popup "KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & "KeyPath = " & KeyPath & vbCrLf & _

  98:             "change the [Last Counter] value to 1846 (decimal), and change the [Last Help] value to 1847 (decimal). ", _

  99:             2, KeyPath, 0


 101:     If (SetDWORDValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, "Last Counter", 1846) = False) Then

 102:         WScript.Echo "Could not change DWORD [LastCounter] value to 1846" 

 103:         DoBasePerformanceReset = False

 104:         Exit Function

 105:     End If        


 107:     If (SetDWORDValue(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, "Last Help", 1847) = False) Then

 108:         WScript.Echo "Could not change DWORD [LastCounter] value to 1846" 

 109:         DoBasePerformanceReset = False

 110:         Exit Function

 111:     End If        

 112: End Function



 115: Function DoExtPerformanceReset(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, KeyBaseStr)

 116: On Error Resume Next


 118:     Dim lRC1

 119:     Dim lRC2



 122:     DoExtPerformanceReset = True

 123:     Err.Clear 

 124:     'display output

 125:     WshShell.Popup "KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & "KeyPath = " & KeyPath & vbCrLf & _

 126:                     "Remove the following values ([First Counter],[First Help],[Last Counter],[Last Help],[Disable Performance Counters]) " & vbCrLf & _

 127:                     "from the Performance subkey (if they exist) ", _

 128:                     2, KeyPath, 0


 130:     'enumerate subkeys (the Services Subkeys - looking for a "Performance" subkey) ...

 131:     lRC1 = refRegistry.EnumKey(KeyBase, KeyPath, arrSubKeys(1))

 132:     If (lRC1 = 0) And (Err.Number = 0) And (Not IsNull(arrSubKeys(1))) Then

 133:         For Each strSubKey1 In arrSubKeys(1)

 134:             'recursively call ourselves

 135:             lRC2 = refRegistry.EnumKey(KeyBase, KeyPath & "\" & CStr(strSubKey1), arrSubKeys(2))

 136:             If (lRC2 = 0) And (Err.Number = 0) And (Not IsNull(arrSubKeys(2))) Then

 137:                 For Each strSubKey2 In arrSubKeys(2)

 138:                     If (StrComp(CStr(strSubKey2), "Performance", 1) = 0) Then

 139:                         If (ChangePerfValues (refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath & "\" & CStr(strSubKey1) & "\" & CStr(strSubKey2), KeyBaseStr) = False) Then

 140:                             WScript.Echo "Could not delete DWORD values: ([First Counter],[First Help],[Last Counter],[Last Help]) under " & _

 141:                                          KeyBaseStr & "\" & KeyPath & "\" & CStr(strSubKey1) & "\" & CStr(strSubKey2)

 142:                             DoExtPerformanceReset = False

 143:                             Exit Function

 144:                         End If

 145:                         Exit For

 146:                     End If

 147:                 Next

 148:             ElseIf Err.Number > 0 Then

 149:                 DoExtPerformanceReset = False

 150:                 WScript.Echo "EnumKey Failed on - KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & " KeyPath = " & KeyPath & "\" & CStr(strSubKey1) & _

 151:                     vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf

 152:                 Err.Clear 

 153:             End If

 154:         Next

 155:     ElseIf Err.Number > 0 Then

 156:         DoExtPerformanceReset = False

 157:         WScript.Echo "EnumKey Failed on - KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & " KeyPath = " & KeyPath & _

 158:             vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf

 159:         Err.Clear 

 160:     End If

 161: End Function



 164: 'Remove the following values ("First Counter","First Help","Last Counter","Last Help") from the Performance subkey (if they exist).

 165: Function ChangePerfValues(refRegistry, KeyBase, KeyPath, KeyBaseStr)

 166: On Error Resume Next


 168:     Dim lRC

 169:     Dim sNames

 170:     Dim iTypes

 171:     Dim i


 173:     ChangePerfValues = True


 175:     lRC = refRegistry.EnumValues(KeyBase, KeyPath, sNames, iTypes)

 176:     If (lRC = 0) And (Err.Number = 0) And (Not IsNull(sNames)) Then

 177:         For i = LBound(sNames) To UBound(sNames)

 178:             If ((StrComp(CStr(sNames(i)), "Disable Performance Counters", 1) = 0) Or _

 179:                 (StrComp(CStr(sNames(i)), "First Counter", 1) = 0) Or _

 180:                 (StrComp(CStr(sNames(i)), "First Help", 1) = 0) Or _

 181:                 (StrComp(CStr(sNames(i)), "Last Counter", 1) = 0) Or _

 182:                 (StrComp(CStr(sNames(i)), "Last Help", 1) = 0)) Then

 183:                 lRC = refRegistry.DeleteValue(KeyBase, KeyPath, CStr(sNames(i)))

 184:                 If (Err.Number > 0) Then

 185:                     Err.Clear 

 186:                     ChangePerfValues = False

 187:                     WScript.Echo "DeleteValue Failed on - KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & " KeyPath = " & KeyPath & " Value = " & CStr(sNames(i)) & _

 188:                         vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf

 189:                     Exit Function

 190:                 End If

 191:             End If

 192:         Next

 193:     ElseIf Err.Number > 0 Then

 194:         ChangePerfValues = False

 195:         WScript.Echo "EnumValues Failed on - KeyBase = " & KeyBaseStr & " KeyPath = " & KeyPath & _

 196:             vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf

 197:         WScript.Echo Err.Description & vbCrLf

 198:         Err.Clear 

 199:     End If

 200: End Function



 203: 'Beginnning of main code ...

 204: set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

 205: Set refRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:root\default:StdRegProv")


 207: If (DoBasePerformanceReset(refRegistry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strBasePerfPath, StrHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) = True) Then

 208:     If (DoExtPerformanceReset(refRegistry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strExtPerfPath, StrHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) = True)  Then

 209:             Wscript.Echo Wscript.ScriptFullName  & " - Success !" & vbCrLf

 210:     Else

 211:             Wscript.Echo Wscript.ScriptFullName  & "(DoExtPerformanceReset) - Failed !" & vbCrLf

 212:     End If

 213: Else

 214:     Wscript.Echo Wscript.ScriptFullName & "(DoBasePerformanceReset) - Failed !" & vbCrLf

 215: End If


 217: 'Clean variables ...

 218: Set refRegistry = Nothing

 219: Set WshShell = Nothing





FindDriverIniFiles.vbe – finds all the performance counters ini files and lists their full pathname into an output file.

FindDriverIniFiles.vbs listed -

   1: On Error Resume Next

   2: Const OverwriteExisting = True

   3: Const WindowsFolder       = 0

   4: Const SystemFolder       = 1

   5: Const TemporaryFolder     = 2


   7: Dim WshShell

   8: Dim WshSysEnv

   9: Dim objWMIService 

  10: Dim colLogicalDisks 

  11: Dim colLogicalDisk 

  12: Dim DiskIndex

  13: Dim strIniListFile

  14: Dim tmpStr

  15: Dim tmpIniFile

  16: Dim ProcessIDs()

  17: Dim ProcessID

  18: Dim strProcessIDs

  19: Dim WorkDir


  21: Err.Clear     'Clear Errors

  22: If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then        

  23:     WScript.Echo "Format: " & WScript.ScriptFullName & vbTab & "<INI output listfile>" & vbCrLf

  24:      WScript.Quit 0                        

  25: Else                                    

  26:     strIniListFile = WScript.Arguments(0)    

  27: End If    

  28: 'strIniListFile = "c:\inifiles.txt"



  31: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  32: dim wshFSO :    Set wshFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  33: WorkDir = wshFSO.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder) & "\system32"  

  34: Set wshFSO = Nothing



  37: WScript.Echo "Starting search for Perf. Counters  ini files in (" & Now & ")" 

  38: WScript.Echo "Be patient - it may take up to 20 minutes !" 


  40: '"%WINDIR%\System32\CScript.exe //nologo ""%1"" %*"

  41: Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & ".\root\cimv2")

  42: Set colLogicalDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where MediaType = 12 And VolumeName <> 'Exchange'")


  44: DiskIndex = 0

  45: For each colLogicalDisk in colLogicalDisks 

  46:     DiskIndex = DiskIndex  + 1

  47:     Redim Preserve ProcessIDs(DiskIndex-1)


  49:     Wscript.Echo "Searching Perf Counters INI files in: " & vbTab & colLogicalDisk.Name 


  51:     tmpIniFile = "c:\IniFiles" & DiskIndex & ".txt"     

  52:     tmpStr = "CMD /C FINDSTR /S /I /M drivername= " & colLogicalDisk.Name  & "\*.ini   > " & tmpIniFile

  53:     ProcessID = RunCommand(tmpStr)

  54:     If (ProcessID = -1 ) Then

  55:            WScript.Echo "Error Running " & tmpStr 

  56:            Set colLogicalDisks = Nothing

  57:         WScript.DisconnectObject(WshShell)

  58:         Set WshShell = Nothing

  59:            WScript.Quit 1

  60:        End If


  62:     ProcessIDs(DiskIndex-1) = ProcessID

  63:     'WshShell.Run tmpStr, 7, true

  64: Next



  67: strProcessIDs = ""

  68: For each ProcessID in ProcessIDs

  69:     If strProcessIDs <> "" Then

  70:         strProcessIDs = strProcessIDs & " Or ProcessId = '" & ProcessID & "' " 

  71:     Else

  72:         strProcessIDs = strProcessIDs & "ProcessId = '" & ProcessID & "' " 

  73:     End If

  74: Next


  76: Do Until CheckProcesses() = True

  77:     WshShell.Popup "Still searching Perf Counters INI files ..", 3," Working ...", vbInformation 

  78:     WSCript.Sleep  10000

  79: Loop


  81: DiskIndex = 0

  82: For each colLogicalDisk in colLogicalDisks 

  83:     DiskIndex = DiskIndex  + 1

  84:     tmpIniFile = "c:\IniFiles" & DiskIndex & ".txt" 

  85:     Call CombineIniFiles(tmpIniFile, strIniListFile)    'Prefix lines with LogicalDisk name ...

  86: Next



  89: Set colLogicalDisks = Nothing

  90: Set objWMIService = Nothing

  91: WScript.DisconnectObject(WshShell)

  92: Set WshShell = Nothing

  93: WScript.Echo "Finished search for Perf. Counters  ini files in (" & Now & ")"

  94: WScript.Quit 0



  97: Function CombineIniFiles (strInFile, strOutFile)

  98:     Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8


 100:     Dim objFSO

 101:     Dim objFile

 102:     Dim arrFileLines()

 103:     Dim arrFileLine

 104:     Dim i


 106:     i = 0

 107:     Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 108:     Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInFile, ForReading)


 110:     Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream

 111:         Redim Preserve arrFileLines(i)

 112:         arrFileLines(i) = objFile.ReadLine

 113:         i = i + 1

 114:     Loop

 115:     objFile.Close


 117:     Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strOutFile, ForAppending, True)

 118:     For Each arrFileLine in arrFileLines

 119:         objFile.WriteLine arrFileLine

 120:     Next

 121:     objFile.Close



 124:     WScript.DisconnectObject(objFSO)

 125:     Set objFSO = Nothing

 126: End Function



 129: Function RunCommand (strCmd)

 130:     Const HIDDEN_WINDOW = 12

 131:     Const Normal = 32

 132:     Const Idle = 64

 133:     Const High = 128

 134:     Const Realtime = 256

 135:     Const Above_Normal = 16384 

 136:     Const Below_Normal = 32768 



 139:     Dim objStartup

 140:     Dim objConfig

 141:     Dim errReturn


 143:     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & ".\root\cimv2")

 144:     Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")

 145:     Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_

 146:     objConfig.ShowWindow = HIDDEN_WINDOW

 147:     objConfig.PriorityClass = Normal

 148:     Set objProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Process")

 149:     errReturn = objProcess.Create(strCmd, WorkDir, objConfig, intProcessID)


 151:     If errReturn = 0 Then

 152:         RunCommand = intProcessID

 153:     Else

 154:         RunCommand = -1    'Error

 155:     End If


 157: End Function



 160: Function CheckProcesses()

 161:     Dim colProcessList



 164:     Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & ".\root\cimv2")

 165:     Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where " & strProcessIDs) 

 166:     If (Not IsEmpty(colProcessList)) And (colProcessList.Count > 0) Then

 167:         CheckProcesses = False

 168:         Set colProcessList = Nothing

 169:         Exit Function

 170:     Else

 171:         CheckProcesses = True        'No "findstr" processes running anymore ...

 172:         Set colProcessList = Nothing

 173:     End If

 174: End Function

DoLoadCtr.vbe – looks in the input file and lodctr only the most current ini files listed.

DoLoadCtr.vbs listed -

   1: Option Explicit

   2: Const OverwriteExisting = True

   3: Const WindowsFolder       = 0

   4: Const SystemFolder       = 1

   5: Const TemporaryFolder     = 2

   6: Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8

   7: Const TristateUseDefault = -2, TristateTrue = -1, TristateFalse = 0

   8: Const dtBeginOfDate = #1/1/2601#


  10: Dim objFileDictionary

  11: Dim objCounternameDictionary

  12: Dim objCounterFilesDictionary

  13: Dim objRootCounterFilesDictionary


  15: Dim objFSO

  16: Dim strInputFilename

  17: Dim objTextFile

  18: Dim strShortFilename

  19: Dim index

  20: Dim strNextLine

  21: Dim objArgs

  22: Dim WshShell

  23: Dim Return

  24: Dim objItem

  25: Dim FileParts

  26: Dim dtCurrentDateTime

  27: Dim dtNewDateTime

  28: Dim strCounterName

  29: Dim WorkDir


  31: Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments       ' Create object.

  32: If objArgs.Count = 1 Then

  33:        strInputFilename = trim(objArgs(0))

  34: Else

  35:     WScript.Echo "Format: cscript " & WScript.ScriptName & " ini-files-listfile"

  36:     Err.Clear 

  37:     WScript.Quit

  38: End If



  41: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

  42: Set objFileDictionary = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

  43: Set objCounternameDictionary = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")


  45: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  46: WorkDir = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder) & "\system32"  

  47: Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strInputFilename, ForReading)

  48: index = 0



  51: 'Dim objDictionary

  52: 'Dim objTimeDictionary

  53: 'Dim objFileDictionary


  55: 'CheckFileNewer(sFilename, dtCurrentDateTime, dtNewDateTime)    

  56: Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream 

  57:     strNextLine = Trim(objTextFile.Readline)

  58:     FileParts = Split(strNextLine, "\", -1, 1)

  59:     strShortFilename = Trim(FileParts(UBound(FileParts)))

  60:     dtNewDateTime = GetFileDate(strNextLine)


  62:     If Not objFileDictionary.Exists(strShortFilename) Then

  63:         Set objCounterFilesDictionary = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")    'Dict for each uniq filename.


  65:         strCounterName = GetCounterName(strNextLine)

  66:         objCounternameDictionary.Add strShortFilename, strCounterName

  67:         objCounterFilesDictionary.Add dtNewDateTime, """" & strNextLine & """"

  68:         objFileDictionary.Add strShortFilename, objCounterFilesDictionary

  69:     Else

  70:         if Not(objFileDictionary(strShortFilename).Exists(dtNewDateTime)) Then

  71:             objFileDictionary(strShortFilename).Add dtNewDateTime, """" & strNextLine & """"        'insert at the end of dictionary

  72:         End If

  73:     End If


  75:     index = index + 1

  76: Loop


  78: WScript.Echo "Found [" & index & "] performance-counters ini files ..." & vbCrLf

  79: For Each objItem in objFileDictionary

  80:     DoRunLodctr(objFileDictionary(objItem))

  81: Next





  86: Function GetOldestFileDate(FileDict, dtNewestDate)

  87:     Dim dtOldestDate

  88:     Dim FileElemDate


  90:     dtOldestDate = dtNewestDate

  91:     For Each FileElemDate In FileDict

  92:         If (DateDiff("n", dtOldestDate, CDate(FileElemDate)) < 0) Then 

  93:             dtOldestDate = CDate(FileElemDate)

  94:         End If

  95:     Next


  97:     GetOldestFileDate = dtOldestDate

  98: End Function



 101: Sub DoRunLodctr(FileDict)

 102:     Dim i, count

 103:     Dim FileElem

 104:     Dim OldestDate


 106:     count = FileDict.Count 

 107:     OldestDate = dtBeginOfDate

 108:     Do

 109:         count = count - 1

 110:            OldestDate = GetOldestFileDate(FileDict, OldestDate)

 111:         WScript.Echo "lodctr.exe " & FileDict(OldestDate) 

 112:         Return = WshShell.Run("%windir%\system32\" & "lodctr.exe " & FileDict(OldestDate), 0, TRUE)

 113:     Loop While (Count > 0)

 114: End Sub


 116: WScript.DisconnectObject(WshShell) 

 117: Set WshShell = Nothing

 118: WScript.DisconnectObject(objFileDictionary) 

 119: Set objFileDictionary = Nothing

 120: WScript.DisconnectObject(objCounternameDictionary) 

 121: Set objCounternameDictionary = Nothing

 122: WScript.DisconnectObject(objFSO) 

 123: Set objFSO = Nothing

 124: WScript.Quit 




 128: Function CheckFileNewer(sFilename, sDate, sNewDate)    'return True if newer ; False if not.

 129:        Dim fso, f


 131:        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 132:        Set f = fso.GetFile(sFilename)

 133:        If (DateDiff("n", sDate, f.DateLastModified) > 0) Then 

 134:            CheckFileNewer = True

 135:         sNewDate = CDate(f.DateLastModified)

 136:        Else

 137:            CheckFileNewer = False

 138:        End If


 140:     set f = Nothing : set fso = Nothing

 141: End Function



 144: Function GetFileDate(sFilename)

 145:        Dim fso, f


 147:        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 148:        Set f = fso.GetFile(sFilename)

 149:        GetFileDate = CDate(f.DateLastModified)


 151:     set f = Nothing : set fso = Nothing

 152: End Function



 155: Function GetCounterName(sFilename)

 156:        Dim fso, f, ts

 157:        Dim MyArray

 158:        Dim str

 159:        Dim RegResult


 161:      Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

 162:      Set f = fso.GetFile(sFilename)

 163:        Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)


 165:        If ts.AtEndOfStream Then

 166:         GetCounterName = "Error"

 167:         set ts = Nothing : set f = Nothing : set fso = Nothing       

 168:         Exit Function

 169:        End If


 171:        str = ts.ReadAll

 172:      ts.Close

 173:     set ts = Nothing : set f = Nothing : set fso = Nothing       


 175:     RegResult = RegExpFunction("drivername=[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+\b", str)

 176:     If (RegResult = "Error") Then

 177:         GetCounterName = "Error"

 178:         Exit Function

 179:     End If


 181:     MyArray = Split(RegResult, "=", -1, vbTextCompare)

 182:     GetCounterName = Trim(MyArray(1))

 183: End Function



 186: '*******************************************************

 187: ' Finding a pattern in a string using the RegExp object

 188: '*******************************************************

 189: Function RegExpFunction(patrn, strng)

 190: On Error Resume Next

 191:     Dim regEx, IDs



 194:     Err.Clear

 195:     Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")    ' Create a regular expression.

 196:     regEx.Pattern = patrn            ' Set pattern.

 197:     regEx.IgnoreCase = True          ' Set case insensitivity.

 198:     regEx.Global = True              ' Set global applicability.

 199:     Set IDs = regEx.Execute(strng)    ' Execute search.


 201:     If IDs.Count = 0 Then    'No matches found

 202:         RegExpFunction = "Error"

 203:     Else

 204:         RegExpFunction = CStr(IDs(0).Value)

 205:     End If

 206:     Set regEx = Nothing

 207: End Function




Enjoy ..